Saturday 11 April 2015

Wolf Alice, Cambridge Junction - 10/04/2015


Possibly the most insane gigs I have been to. Truthfully, I’m surprised I got out alive. Wolf Alice has been touring around Britain since March, with the support of Crows (Glasgow-Cardiff), Bloody Knees (Bristol-Cambridge) and The Magic Gang. All insane bands, very mental night.


Bloody Knees
The Cambridge born band Bloody Knees began the evening, and the atmosphere was crazy. Countless crowd surfers (Including Theo) and wild moshpits which pretty much the whole crowd was involved in (if they wanted to or not). Bloody Knees is such a unique band, however splashes of Nirvana can be recognised in the bands grungy-ness. I was a bit sceptical at the beginning as this band is usually something a bit out of my comfort zone... but my God, they were the perfect band to open the evening and they left the crowd roaring for more. Brilliant.
The Magic Gang

Juxtaposing Bloody Knees' darkness, was The Magic Gang, more cheerful, however an equally insane set. This band was faultless live. The band treated us with their new single, and judging by the reaction, we all loved it.



I have never been to a gig before where I actually felt it was my death sentence, I was crushed in the moshpits and against the barrier, but to be honest I didn’t actually care. I went crazy, they were crazy.

Ellie and Theo (apologies, I had no pictures of Joel).
Wolf Alice treated us with old favourites like ‘Fluffy’ and ‘Bros’, and also played a number of songs from their new album, including ‘You’re a Germ’, and if their album sounds like they did last night, it will be the best album of the year, for sure. When Wolf Alice played, it was all a blur; I was completely lost in their music. The atmosphere was honestly the best thing I have felt in any gig I have witnessed. The best song was probably their new single ‘Giant Peach’ (possibly the best song I have seen live), and ‘Moaning Lisa Smile’ in their encore. Wolf Alice was meant to play the old gem ‘White Leather’ in the encore aswell, as written on the setlists, but to be honest I didn’t care because MLS was the best way to close the set. At the beginning of MLS, the band were joined with all the support acts, and basically every just let go and went crazy. Ellie joined into the crowd in the chorus, and after the song the majority of the performer’s crowd surfed (brave of them), which made the whole audience shit their pants with excitement.
The Queen herself.
Ellie and Joff


 Seeing Wolf Alice was the best £13 i have ever spent, and the greatest part is that all of the bands came out and talked to the fans. They were all so genuine. Bloody Knees and The Magic Gang are possibly the coolest people ever, and Wolf Alice are superior.

Possibly the greatest group picture ever, taken from Wolf Alice's Facebook page.

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